…don’t worry, it happens! While we try to make sure that after procedures like tooth extraction and dental anesthesia, all post-op care instructions are communicated clearly before you leave our offices, it’s only human-nature to forget some of the details or simply need a reminder. So we put together this little guide as a refresher of sorts. Please follow your Doctor’s specific care instructions as provided at your appointment, as they are derived unique to each patient’s needs. The recommendations below are simply general guidelines and should not override any doctor’s outlined care approach.
If your child underwent a tooth extraction during their visit with us:
If your child received dental anesthesia during their care, please note that their lips, tongue, teeth and surrounding areas may still feel numb. This is normal! Every child experiences this sensation for varying lengths of time based on differing levels of metabolism and other genetic and situational factors, but typically we see kids feel the “sleepy juice” effects for two hours after their procedure. While they feel this sensation, here’s what you can do to help the healing process:
Teachers will also have a chance to be the lucky recipient of a classroom visit, a Smile Package for each of your students AND a $100 school supplies gift card!
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