Meet with our team of specialists at no cost to you! No referral necessary. They can help answer your question, "Does my child need braces?"
Seek recommendations for your customized smile transformation from an orthodontist for kids.
Feel empowered and knowledgeable about your options! Build confidence for kids!
An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has pursued two to three years of additional training and experience beyond dental school. They specialize in straightening teeth, correcting a misaligned jaw structure, and improving the overall function and look of your smile. Orthodontists are experts in designing a treatment option best suited for each individual patient, based on their unique oral composition and corrective needs.
There are countless benefits to orthodontic treatment with an overall result of improving both the aesthetic and overall functionality of your smile. Often times, braces and orthodontic treatment are used to correct “bad bites,” or malocclusion (teeth that are crowded or crooked). In some cases your teeth may be straight, but your upper and lower jaws may not meet properly. These jaw or tooth alignment problems may be genetic, a result from trauma, early or late tooth loss, or thumb-sucking.
If you have an abnormal bite, correcting the problem with the help of an orthodontist for kids will not only create a nice-looking smile, but more importantly an overall healthier mouth. If left untreated, an abnormal bite could result in further oral health problems, including:
It is important to evaluate kids for orthodontic needs as early as age six, with the eruption of the first permanent tooth! Why so soon? Early detection gives your child an edge, allowing for healthier oral development. Since abnormal bites usually become noticeable between the ages of 6 and 12, orthodontic treatment often begins between ages 8 and 14. Treatment that begins while a child is growing helps produce optimal results bulding confidence for kids.
Ask one of our knowledgeable team members to help you choose the right option to bring out the confidence for kids!
Teachers will also have a chance to be the lucky recipient of a classroom visit, a Smile Package for each of your students AND a $100 school supplies gift card!
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